Hello To Future Me


Hello, me from the future. I’m going to guess that our life has either gone down the drain from here or you are doing ok. You probably hate your past self for doing all the stupid action that i have down or am about to do. I have no real reason for writing this. I hope that by now we have gone to see a therapist once and maybe have our dream job by this point but I won’t hold you to this. Please don’t shut people out as much because I know we do that and we really got to get better with our trust issues. And I know that this is starting to seem repetitive. I hope by this point i told my parents about who i am or whether that they will acknowledge who we are. Hopefully by this point they might know who we are or maybe come to the conclusion that they didn’t raise us. Sure they use the physical needs but what else. By this point, I’m very tired writing this and I want to go to bed. Hopefully, you get more sleep in the future but by this point we both know that isn’t the case with our career choice.  Honesty, I hope you remember the good days that we had. Like how the funniest and dumbest things were being able to reside in the Bee Movie script( “According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly”) or when your friends stole a shopping cart from a parking lot. Never forget who was there for you and what you will be in the now and then. Life is just a piece of paper.  No matter how much people draw, crumble, rip up, or reuse it, it is still yours no matter what someone says.


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